What should drive U.S. decisions about foreign aid?
Preview this foreign aid curriculum for the table of contents, a student reading excerpt, and one lesson plan. Preview all units.
Additional unit descriptions for the Current Issues Series that summarize the historical context, student readings, and skill development are available on this MIRO board.
Fifth edition. October 2013. – Why does the United States provide foreign aid to other countries? Is it to help the world’s poor, or does aid promote other U.S. policy objectives? In Dilemmas of Foreign Aid: Debating U.S. Policies, students explore the history of U.S. foreign assistance and the institutions that distribute aid today. The unit is divided into two parts. Each part includes:
- Student readings
- Accompanying study guides, graphic organizers, and key terms
Lessons aligned with the readings that develop analytical skills and can be completed in one or more periods
- Videos that feature leading experts
This unit also includes an Options Role Play as the key lesson and additional synthesis lessons that allow students to synthesize new knowledge for assessment. You do not need to use the entire foreign aid curriculum; feel free to select what suits your classroom needs.
“I use Choices curriculum to dive deeper into critical thought regarding content areas associated with the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America. Choices curriculum provides depth in international content that is easily accessible for high school students so they can then consider the United States’ history, its place in the world, and foreign policy options.” – Rhonda, Social Studies Teacher, Montana