Exploring the Choices Approach to Contested Issues
Chapel Hill, NC
Use of the Choices Program’s materials is growing across the country, and we need YOU to help us meet the demand for Choices professional development!
- Professional growth through immersion in the Choices Program’s approach to teaching about contested international and public policy issues
- Leadership opportunity to conduct paid professional development in your region
- Choices curricula, resources and ongoing support from the Choices Program
- Recognition as a Brown University Choices Teaching Fellow, and participation in this professional network of outstanding educators
- A 24-hour certificate of completion. North Carolina teachers will receive CEUs
- Already familiar with, and if you are a classroom teacher, already using Choices units
- Interest in learning more about the Choices Program’s pedagogy and approach to teaching about contested international and public policy issues
- Excitement to share your enthusiasm for the Choices Program’s materials with other educators
- For those interested in conducting paid professional development on behalf of Choices, the capacity to conduct day long workshop(s) in your geographic area on a weekday during the 2017-18 academic year
Cost: $195, due upon acceptance. Travel, most meals, and housing costs are on your own. We will reserve a block of rooms at a local hotel.
Note: Workshop leaders are paid to conduct daylong introductory workshops for other educators. Workshop leaders also receive a one-time, $250 credit for Choices materials after they conduct their first daylong workshop. Please read the FAQ page for more information.
Application Deadline
Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis.
Additional Resources
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Draft agenda
- 2016-2017 List of workshops
- More on Conducting Daylong Choices Workshops
Ready to join us in bringing the Choices Program to current and future educators in your area?
Co-sponsored by World View, Chapel Hill, NC
Anyone who will present the Choices Program’s materials and approach to other educators!
If you are a Teacher Leader, join us so that you can conduct, for pay, introductory Choices workshop(s) in your area.
If you are a Curriculum Supervisor, send a lead teacher(s) to learn strategies for implementing Choices in your school or district.
If you are a Methods Professor, participate in the program to gain strategies and resources for introducing Choices to your preservice teachers.
If you love the Choices Program’s materials and are interested in professional growth and an outstanding leadership opportunity, please join the Choices Program for a three-day, engaging and interactive program.