Conference Session

Teaching the Vietnam War in U.S. and World History Classrooms

2:25 pm — 3:10 pm
GCSS Conference Session

Join the Choices Program at the Georgia Council for the Social Studies Conference in Athens, Georgia, for an engaging session as we explore the student readings, lessons, and videos from our award-winning curriculum unit The Vietnam War: Origins, History, and Legacies. Examine the “long history” approach of the unit, which starts in the 1860s with the creation of French Indochina and ends with the impact and ongoing legacy of the U.S. war in Vietnam. This unit incorporates diverse viewpoints of U.S., South Vietnamese, and North Vietnamese service members and civilians, providing a global perspective on the war. During the session, we’ll dive into one lesson in the unit, “Creating Historical Narratives.” 

You must register for the GCSS Conference in order to attend this session.

Co-sponsored by the Georgia Council for the Social Studies
Register $0Per Person
An older Vietnamese stand against the outside wall of their concrete block home while U.S. troops conduct a search of their home in rural South Vietnam in 1968. Two soldiers keep guard over them and the surrounding area.

All session participants will receive a print copy and a one-year Digital Editions license to the Choices curriculum unit The Vietnam War: Origins, History, and Legacies.


This session is open to all GCSS conference attendees.

Headshot of Mimi Stephens

Mimi Stephens

Choices Director of Sales and Professional Development
Mimi is the Director of Sales and Professional Development for the Choices Program. Prior to joining the Choices Program in 2011, Mimi worked at Clark University where she served as the Director of the Teacher Center for Global Studies supporting K12 social studies teachers throughout Massachusetts for more than 20 years. Mimi holds a Masters in International Development and Social Change from Clark University.
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