This unit tells the “long history” of the destructive, deadly, and divisive U.S. war in Vietnam. Students examine the war’s long-term origins, investigate its complex history, and explore its lasting legacies.
The Vietnam War: Origins, History, and Legacies
Join the Choices Program at Brown University to explore the readings, lessons, and videos in our award-winning curriculum unit The Vietnam War: Origins, History, and Legacies. Examine the “long history” approach of the unit, which incorporates diverse viewpoints from Vietnamese civilians, North and South Vietnam service members, and U.S. women, Black, Latino, and Indigenous soldiers and resistors.
Co-sponsored by the New Hampshire Council for the Social Studies

All who attend will receive a one-year Digital Editions license to the Choice’s Vietnam War curriculum unit.
This webinar is open to any History or Social Studies teacher who would like to learn more about the Choices Program’s Vietnam War curriculum unit, or about other Choices resources for the secondary classroom. The unit is most appropriate for courses on U.S. History, World History, Asian Studies, and several IB courses.