Chatting with Choices

What’s New at the Choices Program?

5:00 pm — 6:00 pm
Chatting with Choices

Grab your colleagues and join us for Chatting with Choices! Get ready for the fall semester and dive into new Choices Program curriculum materials, videos, Teaching with the News lessons, and more!

Chatting with Choices is an informal time for you and other educators to ask questions, explore features in our Digital Editions platform, chat about best practices, learn about new developments, and more.

Chatting with Choices is not recorded.

$0 Per Person
Image of more than a dozen Choices curriculum units with brightly colored covers
  • All participants will receive a complimentary, one-year Digital Editions license to the Choices Program’s curriculum unit of their choice
  • An overview of new Choices Program curriculum materials, videos, and more
  • If requested, a short demonstration of our Digital Editions platform

Chatting with Choices is open to all.

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