How did Fernando Henrique Cardoso control inflation?

Videos from James Green

How did the military dictatorship rule Brazil?
  • February 8, 2008
What economic change did Brazil experience during the dictatorship?
  • February 8, 2008
Why did the government use torture and what were some of its methods?
  • February 8, 2008
How did the international community respond to news of torture in Brazil?
  • February 8, 2008
Why did some opposition groups use kidnapping as a political tool?
  • February 8, 2008
How did human rights abuses in Latin America in the 1970s contribute to a change in U.S. foreign aid policy?
  • February 8, 2008
What do you think the phrase “One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” means?
  • February 8, 2008
What factors contributed to the end of the dictatorship?
  • February 8, 2008
How does economic inequality affect the population of Brazil?
  • February 8, 2008
How has Brazil been successful in fighting HIV/AIDS?
  • February 8, 2008
How did Fernando Henrique Cardoso control inflation?
  • February 8, 2008
How did Lula’s economic policies help him win the presidency?
  • February 8, 2008
What is the legacy of slavery in Brazil?
  • February 8, 2008
How are Brazilian and U.S. definitions of race different?
  • February 8, 2008
What are the biggest challenges facing Brazil today?
  • February 8, 2008
How is Brazil different from other South American countries?
  • February 8, 2008
Who are you and what do you do?
  • January 26, 2016
Why do you think high school students should learn about Brazil?
  • January 26, 2016
What was the Diretas Já movement and why was it important?
  • January 26, 2016
What are some important recent developments in Brazil?
  • January 26, 2016
What are some important legacies of the military dictatorship in Brazil?
  • January 26, 2016
What is the Brazilian Truth Commission and why is it controversial?
  • January 26, 2016
What are some of the biggest challenges facing Brazil today?
  • January 26, 2016
How did the abolition of slavery affect Brazil?
  • January 26, 2016
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