Students examine oil and geopolitics, issues between the Palestinians and Israel, the Egyptian revolution, Syrian refugees, and other issues that have shaped U.S. relations in the region.
Introductory Workshop
Engaging Students in International Issues: The Choices Approach
8:30 am — 3:00 pm
Sierra Vista High School
Baldwin Park, CA
Baldwin Park, CA
Our workshops are completely interactive, so be ready to be engaged and inspired!
Participants will be immersed in The Middle East: Questions for U.S. Policy unit and will examine parts of Immigration and the U.S. Policy Debate unit. Both units are provided. Participants will discuss ways to adapt these units to specific classroom goals. A review of free resources available from the Choices Program will also be provided.
Co-sponsored by California International Studies Project at CSU Long Beach
$145 Per Person

Workshop includes the two curriculum units, lunch, and a certificate of completion.
U.S. History, Current Issues and Geography teachers are the main audience. Materials are appropriate for grades 7-12. Humanities teachers often use our materials and are encouraged to attend.