Leading experts—professors, policy makers, journalists, activists, and artists—expand Choices units by discussing issues related to topics in our curriculum.

Scholars: Click on each expert to view videos.

Video still Omolade Adunbi

Omolade Adunbi

University of Michigan

Nadje Al-Ali

Brown University

Video still of Susan Allee

Susan Allee

United Nations

Head shot of Christian Appy.

Christian Appy

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Video still of Renee Ater

Renée Ater

University of Maryland

Headshot of Brian Atwood

Brian Atwood

Brown University

Headshot of Amy Austin Holmes

Amy Austin Holmes

American University in Cairo

Head shot of Narges Bajoghli

Narges Bajoghli

Johns Hopkins University

Photo of Omer Bartov as he in appears in the Choices Program 2021 video series on genocide

Omer Bartov

Brown University

Video still of Al Bergstrom

Al Bergstrom

U.S. Naval War College

Video still of Mike Bhatia

Michael Bhatia

Brown University

James Blight and Janet Lang

James Blight and janet Lang

Balsillie School of International Affairs

Video still of Douglas Blum

Douglas W. Blum

Providence College

Video still of Mark Blyth

Mark Blyth

Brown University

Video still of Anthony Bogues

Anthony Bogues

Brown University

Video still of Phil Brenner

Philip Brenner

American University

Video still of Michael Bustamante

Michael Bustamante

Yale University

Video still of Colin Calloway

Colin Calloway

Dartmouth College

Video still of Melani Cammett

Melani Cammett

Brown University

Video still of James Campbell

James Campbell

Brown University

Video still of Fernando Henriques Cardoso

Fernando Henrique Cardoso

34th President of Brazil

Video still of Kellie Carter Jackson

Kellie Carter Jackson

Wellesley College

Video still of Odette Casamayor-Cisneros

Odette Casamayor-Cisneros

University of Connecticut

Video still of Sidney Chalhoub

Sidney Chalhoub

Harvard University

Video still of Jarat Chopra

Jarat Chopra

Brown University

Headshot of Joseph Cirincione

Joseph Cirincione

Ploughshares Fund

Video still of Christy Clark-Pujara

Christy Clark-Pujara

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Video still of Charles Cobb

Charles E. Cobb

Brown University

Brown professor Jeff Colgan

Jeff Colgan

Brown University

Video still of Dennis Davis

Dennis Davis

High Court of Cape Town

Video still of Alex Dupuy

Alex Dupuy

Wesleyan University

Video still of David Edwards

David B. Edwards

Williams College

Video still of Suzanne Enzerink

Suzanne Enzerink

Brown University

Video still of Linford Fisher

Linford Fisher

Brown University

Video still of Jennifer Fluri

Jennifer L. Fluri

Dartmouth College

Video still of William Freund

William Freund

University of KwaZulu-Natal

Video still of Janice Gallagher

Janice Gallagher

Brown University

Video still of Seth Garfield

Seth Garfield

University of Texas at Austin

Video still of Mark Garrison

Mark Garrison

Brown University

Video still of Theodore Gatchel

Theodore Gatchel

U.S. Naval War College

Video still of David Gilmartin

David Gilmartin

North Carolina State University

Video still of Tom Gleason

Tom Gleason

Brown University

Video still of James Green

James Green

Brown University

Video still of Ronald Grim

Ronald E. Grim

Boston Public Library

Headshot of Magdalena Gross

Magdalena H. Gross

University of Maryland

Video still of Jeff Guy

Jeff Guy

University of KwaZulu-Natal

Video still of Mariam Habibi

Mariam Habibi

New York University Paris

Video still of Shahla Haeri

Shahla Haeri

Boston University

Headshot of Steve Hamburg

Steve Hamburg

Brown University

Video still of Sherine Hamdy

Sherine Hamdy

Brown University

Video still of Francoise Hamlin

Françoise N. Hamlin

Brown University

Video still of Rema Hammami

Rema Hammami

Birzeit University

Portrait of Jo-Anne Hart

Jo-Anne Hart

Lesley University

Headshot of Benjamin Hein as he appears in the video series for the Choices Program.

Benjamin Hein

Brown University

Video still of Tim Herbert

Tim Herbert

Brown University

Video still of Patricia Herlihy

Patricia Herlihy

Brown University

Video still of Benjamin Hopkins

Benjamin Hopkins

George Washington University

Video still of Terry Hoppman

P. Terrence Hopmann

Brown University

A head shot of Evelyn Hu-Dehart as she appears in a Choices Program video.

Evelyn Hu-DeHart

Brown University

Deborah Hurley seated in front of book shelves.

Deborah Hurley

Brown University

Kate Irvin wearing a colorful top with bold geometric designs as she appears in the video series for the Choices Program

Kate Irvin

RISD Museum

Image of Seth Jacobs as he appears in the Choices videos series, seated in front of a bookshelf.

Seth Jacobs

Boston College

Video still of Karl Jacoby

Karl Jacoby

Brown University

Video still of Ayesha Jalal

Ayesha Jalal

Tufts University

Video still of Ashish Jha

Ashish Jha

Brown University School of Public Health

Video still of Leiwen Jiang

Leiwen Jiang

Brown University

Video still of Jennifer Johnson

Jennifer Johnson

Brown University

Walter Johnson

Walter Johnson

Harvard University

Video still of David Kennedy

David Kennedy

Brown University

Video still of Naveeda Khan

Naveeda Khan

Johns Hopkins University

Video still of Sergei Khrushchev

Sergei Khrushchev

Brown University

Dawn King of Brown University

Dawn King

Brown University

Video still of Stephen Kinzer

Stephen Kinzer

Brown University

Video still of Ricardo Lagos

Ricardo Lagos

Brown University

Video still of Jennifer Lambe

Jennifer Lambe

Brown University

Video still of Michelle LeBlanc

Michelle LeBlanc

Boston Public Library

Video still of Robert Lee

Robert Lee

Brown University

Video still of Robert Legvold

Robert Legvold

Columbia University

Video still of Adam Levine

Adam Levine 

Brown University

Video still of John Lewis

John Lewis

U.S. House of Representatives

Video still of Adrián López Denis

Adrián López Denis

Brown University

Video still of Catherine Lutz

Catherine Lutz

Brown University

Video still of Amanda Lynch

Amanda Lynch

Brown University

Video still of Kristen Maye

Kristen J. Maye

Brown University

Video still of Fatima Meer

Fatima Meer

University of KwaZulu-Natal

Video still of Joanne Pope Melish

Joanne Pope Melish

University of Kentucky

Video still of Farzaneh Milani

Farzaneh Milani 

University of Virginia

Video still of Ivor Miller

Ivor Miller

University of Calabar

Headshot of Sreemati Mitter

Sreemati Mitter

Institute of Advanced Study

Video still of Bessma Momani

Bessma Momani

University of Waterloo

Video still of Tanya Monforte

Tanya Monforte

American University in Cairo

Photo of Dietrich Neumann as he appears in the Choices Program's video series. He is seated in front of gold-colored curtains.

Dietrich Neumann

Brown University

Video still of Paula Newberg

Paula Newberg

Georgetown University

Video still of Tom Nichols

Thomas Nichols

U.S. Naval War College

Video still of Amy Nunn

Amy Nunn 

Brown University

Adi Ophir

Brown University

Headshot of Alex Orquiza

Alex Orquiza

Providence College

Video still of Michael Otterman

Michael Otterman 

Human Rights Consultant

Video still of Emily Owens

Emily Owens

Brown University

Video still of Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo 

Brown University

Headshot of Trita Parsi

Trita Parsi

National Iranian American Council

photo of Reid Pauly, a professor at Brown University

Reid Pauly

Brown University

Video still of Anthony Pereira

Anthony W. Pereira

King’s College London

Video still of Tom Perez

Thomas Perez

Chair, Democratic National Committee

Headshot of Keisha-Khan Perry

Keisha-Khan Perry

Brown University

Video still of Tony Perry

Tony Perry

University of Virginia

Video still of Barbara Petzen

Barbara Petzen

Middle East Connections

Video still of Paulo Pinheiro

Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro

Brown University

Video still of Ethan Pollock

Ethan Pollock

Brown University

Video still of Simone Pulver

Simone Pulver

Brown University

Video still of Jack Reed

Jack Reed 

U.S. Senate

Portrait of Andres Resendez

Andrés Reséndez

University of California, Davis

Video still of Joel Revill

Joel Revill

Brown University

Video still of Judy Richardson

Judy Richardson 

Brown University

Video still of J. Timmons Roberts

J. Timmons Roberts

Brown University

Video still of Les Roberts

Les Roberts

Columbia University

Video still of Daniel Rodriguez

Daniel Rodriguez

Brown University

Video still of León Rodríguez

León Rodríguez

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Video still of David Rohde

David Rohde


Video still of Dilma Rousseff

Dilma Rousseff

36th President of Brazil

Video still of Ian Alden Russell

Ian Alden Russell

Brown University

Headshot of Stephanie Savell

Stephanie Savell

Brown University

Video still of Dov Sax

Dov Sax

Brown University

Headshot of Robert Self as he appears in a video series for the Choices Program.

Robert Self

Brown University

Video still of Zach Sell

Zach Sell

Brown University

Video still of Ari Shavit

Ari Shavit


Headshot of Naoko Shibusawa

Naoko Shibusawa

Brown University

Video still of Nicole Sintetos

Nicole Sintetos

Brown University

Video still of Edward Steinfeld

Edward Steinfeld

Brown University

Video still of Keith Stokes

Keith Stokes

Newport County Chamber of Commerce

Video still of Ian Straughn

Ian Straughn

Brown University

Video still of Newell Stultz

Newell Stultz 

Brown University

Video still of Mayssun Succarie

Mayssun Succarie

Brown University

Video still of Geoffrey Sumi

Geoffrey Sumi

Mount Holyoke College

Headshot of Frances Tanzer

Frances Tanzer

Clark University

Video still of Beth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor

Brown University

Video still of Ekwueme Michael Thelwell

Ekwueme Michael Thelwell

Brown University

Video still of Meltem Toksoz

Meltem Toksöz

Brown University

Video still of Amy Torbert

Amy Torbert

Brown University

Nu-Anh Tran of the University of Connecticut as she appears in a video series for the Choices Program.

Nu-Anh Tran

University of Connecticut, Storrs

Video still of Charles Tripp

Charles Tripp

University of London

Video still of Megan Turnbull

Megan Turnbull

Brown University

Video still of Michael Vorenberg

Michael Vorenberg

Brown University

Head shot of Kara Dixon Vuic

Kara Dixon Vuic

Texas Christian University

Professor James Waller sits in front of a large bookshelf filled with books as he appears in the Choices Program video series on genocide.

James Waller

University of Connecticut

Video still of Barbara Weinstein

Barbara Weinstein

New York University

Video still of Jenny White

Jenny White

Boston University

Video still of Michael White

Michael White

Brown University

Video still of Esther Whitfield

Esther Whitfield

Brown University

Video still of Sarah Leah Whitson

Sarah Leah Whitson

Human Rights Watch

Gordon Wood speaking at a podium

Gordon Wood

Brown University

Video still of Xu Wenli

Xu Wenli

Brown University

Headshot of Vazira Zamindar

Vazira Zamindar

Brown University

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