Introductory Workshop

Exploring Contested Historical Turning Points: The Choices Approach

8:30 am — 3:00 pm
Leonia High School
Leonia, NJ

Our workshops are completely interactive, so be ready to be engaged and inspired!

Participants will be immersed in the Choices Program’s units The French Revolution and A Global Controversy: The U.S. Invasion of Iraq. Both units are provided. Participants will discuss ways to adapt these units to specific classroom goals.

“I came away from the workshop with so many ideas on how to use the materials. I just love the Choices Program and you did an excellent job facilitating the workshop.”
– Maraid, New Jersey

Register $145Per Person
People reading Choices booklets

Workshop fee includes the print format AND a one-year license for the Digital Editions format of The French Revolution and A Global Controversy: The U.S. Invasion of Iraq curriculum units, lunch, and a certificate of completion.

Pre-registration is required.


Materials are appropriate for grades 7-12 history and social studies educators. Humanities teachers often use our materials and are encouraged to attend.

Headshot of Mimi Stephens

Mimi Stephens

Choices Director of Sales and Professional Development
Mimi is the Director of Sales and Professional Development for the Choices Program. Prior to joining the Choices Program in 2011, Mimi worked at Clark University where she served as the Director of the Teacher Center for Global Studies supporting K12 social studies teachers throughout Massachusetts for more than 20 years. Mimi holds a Masters in International Development and Social Change from Clark University.
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