Students probe the history of the United States from 1830 to 1865. Using primary sources, readings, and lessons, students consider the experiences of people in the United States as well as the issues driving the political confrontation over slavery and the meaning of liberty.
New Jersey Council for the Social Studies Conference // The Civil War and the Meaning of Liberty: A Choices Program Workshop
Piscataway, New Jersey
Join the Choices Program in an exploration of our newest unit, The Civil War and the Meaning of Liberty. In this workshop, teachers will be introduced to Choices’ expanded U.S. History Series and take a deep dive into the Civil War unit and some of the 11 lessons in it. The workshop provides opportunity for a rich discussion relating to classroom applications of the student text, the videos, and the lessons, which include abolitionists profiles, political cartoons, geography, congressional debates, food shortages, photographs, letters, battles, and more!

A one-year Digital Editions license for The Civil War and the Meaning of Liberty is provided to all who attend.
“Thanks for reinforcing my belief that Choices materials are among the very best available. You really make it look easy to lead a class using them! It truly was a valuable experience and day well-spent.”
– Mike O., Connecticut
This workshop is appropriate for middle and high school social studies educators.