This unit provides a wide-ranging overview of racial slavery in the Americas and the opportunity for students to consider how the past shapes the present.
Racial Slavery in the Americas
How did enslaved people experience and resist slavery, and how have the legacies of racial slavery shaped the world today? Join the Choices Program at the North Carolina Council for the Social Studies conference to explore the student readings, lessons, and short videos from our Racial Slavery in the Americas: Resistance, Freedom, and Legacies curriculum unit. Lessons on the human geography of the transatlantic slave trade; data, primary source, and art analysis; Juneteenth; reparative justice; and public memorials are included in the unit.
Visit the North Carolina Council for the Social Studies website for a conference description and registration information.
The location of this session will be announced during the week before the conference.
Co-sponsored by the North Carolina Council for the Social Studies
Session participants will receive a complimentary print copy of the Choices Program’s Racial Slavery in the Americas curriculum unit and a one-year Digital Editions license to the unit.
This session is open to all NCCSS conference attendees. It will be especially useful for any middle or high school educators who teach about about slavery and its legacies. The unit is appropriate for middle and high school world and U.S. history courses.