This unit provides a wide-ranging overview of racial slavery in the Americas and the opportunity for students to consider how the past shapes the present.
Racial Slavery in the Americas: Resistance, Freedom, and Legacies
The Racial Slavery in the Americas: Resistance, Freedom, and Legacies curriculum unit from the Choices Program places racial slavery at the center of the Atlantic World’s economy and explores the resulting legacies of anti-black racism that are part of the structure of today’s society. Participants will examine the readings, lessons, and videos that explore how the past shapes the present on these critical issues. You’ll leave the session with an outline of how to utilize this unit in your classroom!

The $50 registration fee includes a print copy of the curriculum unit and a one-year license to the Digital Editions format. A 3.5-hour Certificate of Attendance will also be provided and will reflect the 2-hour online webinar plus 1.5 hours of reading in advance as preparation.
The Racial Slavery in the Americas curriculum unit is a best fit for World History and U.S. History courses. In addition, many of the lessons and videos can also be used in most current issues or government classrooms. Educators who teach these kinds of courses are encouraged to attend.