Teaching about Contested International Issues: The Choices Approach
Salem, MA
This workshop is full. Please email Mimi_Stephens@brown.edu to be placed on the waiting list.
Our workshops are completely interactive, so be ready to be engaged and inspired! Participants will be immersed in the Choices Program’s units The Middle East: Questions for U.S. Policy and Immigration and the U.S. Policy Debate. Both units are provided. Participants will discuss ways to adapt these units to specific classroom goals.

Workshop fee includes the print format AND a one-year license for the Digital Editions format of The Middle East: Questions for U.S. Policy and Immigration and the U.S. Policy Debate curriculum units, lunch, and a certificate of completion.
Pre-registration is required.
Early registration is recommended.
Materials are appropriate for grades 7-12 History and Social Studies educators. Humanities teachers often use our materials and are encouraged to attend.
“Thank you again for a great session. One of the best PD experiences I have had in years.”
– Connie, Connecticut