This unit tells the “long history” of the destructive, deadly, and divisive U.S. war in Vietnam. Students examine the war’s long-term origins, investigate its complex history, and explore its lasting legacies.
The Vietnam War in U.S. and World History Classrooms
Join the Choices Program and your New York colleagues as we explore the student readings, lessons, and videos in our curriculum unit The Vietnam War: Origins, History, and Legacies. The session will highlight primary source quotes and lessons that prioritize the voices of women, Black, Latino, and Indigenous soldiers and resistors. We’ll also examine a lesson on the experiences of Vietnamese refugees. We’ll end with a discussion on how a “long history” approach can support students’ understanding of historical memory and historiography.
Co-sponsored by The Long Island Council for the Social StudiesEach participant who attends this free webinar will receive a one-year Digital Editions license to the Choices Program’s Vietnam War curriculum unit.
This event is limited to New York educators. Anyone who teaches World History, U.S. History, Asian Studies, or Ethnic Studies in New York is welcome to attend.