This unit tells the “long history” of the destructive, deadly, and divisive U.S. war in Vietnam. Students examine the war’s long-term origins, investigate its complex history, and explore its lasting legacies.
The Vietnam War: Origins, History and Legacies
Join the Choices Program (Brown University) and the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (University of Colorado Boulder) as we present the student readings, lessons, and videos in the Choices curriculum unit The Vietnam War: Origins, History, and Legacies as a model for applying multiple perspectives to the study of the war. Learn about ways to implement the unit in a variety of courses. This curriculum unit examines the history of the U.S. war in Vietnam, overlaps with larger themes in East Asian history, and explores the war’s long-term legacies. The session will highlight primary sources and include some time to try out an abbreviated lesson.
Note: You must apply and be selected to participate in this online workshop. Additional information and link to the brief application are available here. Applications close January 22, 2024. Apply now for best chances to participate.
Co-sponsored by the National Consortium for Teaching about AsiaThis is a free online workshop. Those selected to participate will receive the choice of either a print copy or a two-year Digital Editions license to the Vietnam War curriculum unit.
Secondary teachers nationwide are invited to apply. Admission is selective, and priority will be given to social studies teachers whose required curriculum includes teaching about the Vietnam War. Enrollment is limited to 30 teachers. Application link is available here.