Introductory Webinar

Bringing the Histories of Cuba and Brazil into the Secondary Classroom

4:00 pm — 5:30 pm

Two unique countries with interesting histories (that intersect with events in U.S. history) don’t often receive significant attention in traditional World History courses. Join us to explore the Choices Program’s curriculum units Brazil: A History of Change and History, Revolution, and Reform: New Directions for Cuba. The session’s emphasis is on both 1) how to use one complete unit (or both) in a Latin American Studies course, as well as 2) how to use parts of the units in Geography, U.S., and World History courses.

Note that this webinar will begin at 4 pm ET.

Register $0Per Person
Three Cuban school girls opening up newspapers

This is a free webinar. Participants will each receive a complimentary one-year Digital Editions license to Brazil: A History of Change OR History, Revolution, and Reform: New Directions for Cuba. They will also receive a discount code for 15 percent off the other unit; this offer will be valid through February 1, 2025. 


This webinar is open to all. It is most appropriate for Geography, Latin American Studies, and World and U.S. History teachers.

Headshot of Mimi Stephens

Mimi Stephens

Choices Director of Sales and Professional Development
Mimi is the Director of Sales and Professional Development for the Choices Program. Prior to joining the Choices Program in 2011, Mimi worked at Clark University where she served as the Director of the Teacher Center for Global Studies supporting K12 social studies teachers throughout Massachusetts for more than 20 years. Mimi holds a Masters in International Development and Social Change from Clark University.
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