Students examine the causes and effects of global warming and delve into questions of who is most responsible for and vulnerable to the changing climate. Students also grapple with how to respond to climate change in ways that are both effective and fair.
Teaching About Controversial Issues in the Classroom: The Choices Approach
Honolulu, HI
Our workshops are completely interactive, so be ready to be engaged and inspired!
Participants will be immersed in the Choices Program’s units Climate Change and Questions of Justice and The Middle East: Questions for U.S. Policy. Both units are provided in print and and in Digital Editions (one-year license). Participants will discuss ways to adapt these units to specific classroom goals.

All participants receive the print format and a one-year, school-wide Digital Editions license for the following units:
Lunches and a certificate of completion are also included.
Pre-registration is required.
Early registration is advised.
This interactive workshop is appropriate for middle and high school history, social studies, and humanities teachers, including AP and IB educators.
“Excellent workshop! Truly
transformative PD!”
– John, Massachusetts