Students explore the evolution of the international community’s response to genocide and examine how the U.S. has responded to multiple cases of genocide.
Teaching About Genocide and Human Rights with the Newly Revised Choices Unit, Confronting Genocide: Never Again?
Massachusetts recently joined 17 other states by passing a bill requiring middle and high schools include instruction about human rights and the history of genocide. The bill, An Act Concerning Genocide Education, will be implemented after July 1, 2022. This online workshop will provide an introduction to two curriculum units, Confronting Genocide: Never Again? and Competing Visions of Human Rights: Questions for U.S. Policy, as well as selected other resources from the Choices Program that are appropriate for teachers in all states who address genocide in their courses.
“The genocide unit provides a perfect synopsis of genocides. I can trust Choice’s content without having to worry about bias. Paired with content from the human rights unit, it makes an amazing basis for a unit.” – Mary, History Teacher, Oregon
Co-sponsored by the Center for African Studies at Harvard University and the African Studies K-16 Education Outreach Program at Boston University. Both centers receive federal funding from the U.S. Department of Education as a Title VI National Resource Center.
Cost: $45. The registration fee includes a one-year Digital Editions subscription to the Choices Program’s Confronting Genocide: Never Again? unit (revised Fall 2022) and the Competing Visions of Human Rights: Questions for U.S. Policy unit.
A print copy of the newly revised Confronting Genocide: Never Again? unit will be provided to the first 50 educators who register and attend, thanks to the Center for African Studies at Harvard University. A two-hour certificate of attendance will be provided, which reflects a half hour of pre-workshop preparation.
If you would like to pay for this workshop with a Purchase Order, please contact our office at 401-863-3155 or
All educators are welcome, including those who do not teach in a state with a genocide or Holocaust instruction mandate.