Students explore the evolution of the international community’s response to genocide and examine how the U.S. has responded to multiple cases of genocide.
Teaching About Genocide with the Choices Program: Curriculum and Approaches
This online workshop will introduce teachers to the student readings, lessons, and videos in the recently revised (2022) Choices curriculum unit, Confronting Genocide: Never Again? The unit includes case studies on the Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide, the Rwandan Genocide, the Bosnian Genocide, the Cambodian Genocide, the genocide in Sudan, and recently added material on the OvaHerero-Nama genocide in present-day Namibia. The focus of the session will be on experiencing several abbreviated lessons from the unit so that participants can determine how to implement the materials in their unique classroom.
Participants will leave the session with:
- Ideas for how to implement the case studies in the readings, the Genocide Convention, multiple lesson plans, and a collection of short videos, featuring Keene State Professor James Waller, in diverse classrooms;
- Classroom strategies and tools for teaching about genocide such as formative assessments, creating compelling questions and evidence-based arguments, and using survivor testimony in the classroom;
- A framework for assessing the risk of genocide and strategies for genocide prevention;
- Strategies for teaching about genocide in an empowering manner.
The last day to register for this workshop is January 4, 2024.
Co-sponsored by the Cohen Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Keene State College (NH)
Participants will receive a two-year Digital Editions license to Confronting Genocide: Never Again? and 3 professional development contact hours from Keene State College.
This online workshop is open to all educators.