Day Four – Thursday, July 13, 2023

Lecture – “The Costs of War: Post 9/11″ by Dr. Stephanie Savell

Objectives: Complete assigned readings on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to support Faculty and Staff presentations. Recommended readings are provided to explore additional content. Also see Day One reading collections for recommendations.

Key Questions

  1. How has military service changed in the era of “long wars”?
  2. How can we teach about recent conflicts in a politicized environment?

Assigned Readings

Assigned readings provide support for Faculty and Staff presentations on their respective days.

  • Stephanie Savell, “The 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force: A Comprehensive Look at Where and How it Has Been Used,” Costs of War 
  • Explore the Costs of War website

Recommended Readings

Recommended readings include additional material to expand upon faculty presentations, Choices Program curriculum units, and other content focused on teaching about war.

  • Choices Program, A Global Controversy: The U.S. Invasion of Iraq (Note: We encourage you to browse through the Student Text and Teacher Resource Book, but we are not asking you to read the entirety of the curriculum.)
  • Choices Program, The U.S. Role in a Changing World (Note: We encourage you to browse through the Student Text and Teacher Resource Book, but we are not asking you to read the entirety of the curriculum.)
  • David Vine, “Unpacking the Invisible Military Backpack: 56 Suggestions for Teaching about War” Radical Teacher (2020)
  • Carroll Doherty and Jocelyn Kiley, “A Look Back at How Fear and False Beliefs Bolstered U.S. Public Support for War in Iraq” Pew Research (2023) 

Additional Readings

Part I of the Framework: Iraq and Afghanistan Collection (combined into one reading)

  • Michael A. Reynolds, “The Wars’ Entangled Roots: Regional Realities and Washington’s Vision” in Understanding the U.S. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (eds. Beth Bailey and Richard H. Immerman) (2015)
  • Terry H. Anderson, “9/11: Bush’s Response” in Understanding the U.S. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (eds. Beth Bailey and Richard H. Immerman) (2015)

Part II of the Framework: Iraq and Afghanistan Collection

  • Kimberly L. Phillips, “Live from the Front Lines: Military Policy and Soldiers’ Rap from Iraq” in War! What Is It Good For? Black Freedom Struggles & the U.S. Military from World War II to Iraq” (2012)
  • Nan Levinson, “Winter Soldiers’ Stories” in War Is Not A Game: The New Anti-War Soldiers and the Movement They Built (2014)
  • Laura Browder, “How to Tell a True War Story…For Children: Children’s Literature Addresses Deployment” in The War of My Generation: Youth Culture and the War on Terror (ed. David Kieran) (2015)
  • Irene Garza, “‘Army Strong’: Mexican American Youth and Military Recruitment in All She Can” in The War of My Generation: Youth Culture and the War on Terror (ed. David Kieran) (2015)
  • Beth Bailey, “The Politics of Dancing: ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ and the Role of Moral Claims,” Journal of Policy History (2013)
  • Jennifer Greenburg, “A New Imperial Feminism: Color-Blind Racism and the Special Operation of Women’s Rights” in At War with Women: Military Humanitarianism and Imperial Feminism in an Era of Permanent War (2023)

Part III of the Framework: Iraq and Afghanistan Collection

  • Benjamin Cooper, “In This War But Not of It: Teaching, Memory, and the Futures of Children and War” in The War of My Generation: Youth Culture and the War on Terror (ed. David Kieran) (2015)
  • Rebecca A. Adelman, “‘Coffins after Coffins’: Screening Wartime Atrocity in the Classroom” in The War of My Generation: Youth Culture and the War on Terror (ed. David Kieran) (2015)
  • Carrie Andersen, “Virtual Warfare: Video Games, Drones, and the Reimagination of Heroic Masculinity” in Warring Over Valor: How Race and Gender Shaped American Military Heroism in the 20th and 21st Centuries (ed. Simon Wendt) (2019)
  • Geoff Martin and Erin Steuter, “‘We Support Your War of Terror: Resisting Militarism through Satire” in Pop Culture Goes to War: Enlisting and Resisting Militarism in the War on Terror (2010)
  • Stacey Peebles, “Lines of Sight: Watching War in Jarhead and My War: Killing Time in Iraq” in Welcome to the Suck: Narrating the American Soldier’s Experience in Iraq (2011)


Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Five



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