What is important to understand about the history of oil in Nigeria?

Videos from Omolade Adunbi

What are human rights?
  • April 21, 2017
Who was Ken Saro-Wiwa?
  • April 21, 2017
What is a “bridging activist?”
  • April 21, 2017
What is important to understand about the history of oil in Nigeria?
  • April 21, 2017
Who are the stakeholders in the Niger Delta conflict?
  • April 21, 2017
Why is it important for high school students to learn about Nigeria?
  • April 21, 2017
How does political leadership continue to challenge Nigeria?
  • April 21, 2017
Why did the British use the system of indirect rule?
  • April 21, 2017
How have activists responded to human rights abuses in Nigeria?
  • April 21, 2017
How have Nigerians fought for human rights throughout history?
  • April 21, 2017
Who are you and what do you do?
  • April 21, 2017
What is the history of the conflict in the Niger Delta?
  • April 21, 2017
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