Students grapple with questions regarding the involvement of the United States in Afghanistan by exploring Afghanistan’s culture and history and then examining the events that led to the Soviet invasion, the role of Osama bin Laden, and the U.S. involvement following 2001.
Engaging Students in International Issues: The Choices Approach
St. Louis, MO
Our workshops are completely interactive, so be ready to be engaged and inspired!
Participants will be immersed in The United States in Afghanistan, and examine parts of Colonization and Independence in Africa. Both units are provided. Participants will discuss ways to adapt these units to specific classroom goals. The workshop will also highlight free resources on the Choices website.
Hosted by St. Louis University High.
$95 Before January 31
$145 After January 31
Workshop includes the two curriculum units, lunch, and a certificate of completion. A limited number of partial scholarships are available for pre-service teachers. Districts may register 5 or more participants at a discount. Contact Mimi Stephens for details.
History, geography, government, current issues, AP, IB, civics and other social studies educators are the main audience. Materials are appropriate for grades 7-12. Humanities teachers often use our materials and are encouraged to attend.