What was the significance of the 1963 coup that overthrew Ngo Dinh Diem?

Videos from James Blight and janet Lang

Why is it important for high school students to learn about the Vietnam War?
  • February 23, 2013
Why did you do a critical oral history project on the Vietnam War?
  • February 23, 2013
Why are the Geneva Accords important?
  • February 23, 2013
Why did the U.S. government believe it needed to prevent North Vietnam from taking over South Vietnam?
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In what ways is the Vietnam War relevant today?
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What was the significance of the attack at Pleiku in 1965?
  • February 23, 2013
Who are you and what do you do? (janet Lang)
  • April 8, 2008
Who are you and what do you do? (James Blight)
  • April 8, 2008
How did Kennedy react to Khrushchev’s letter of October 26 and 27?
  • April 8, 2008
What could have happened if the United States had attacked Cuba?
  • April 8, 2008
What lessons did Cubans take from the crisis?
  • April 8, 2008
How did Americans, Soviets, and Cubans react to the crisis?
  • April 8, 2008
How did Khrushchev react to Castro’s letter of October 26?
  • April 8, 2008
How did Kennedy’s thinking change during the crisis?
  • April 8, 2008
How did different national perspectives lead to three names for the crisis?
  • April 8, 2008
Why did Cuba align itself with the Soviet Union?
  • April 8, 2008
What did Kennedy learn from the Bay of Pigs invasion?
  • April 8, 2008
What was the Bay of Pigs invasion and why was it significant?
  • April 8, 2008
How close did we come to nuclear war?
  • April 8, 2008
How did Soviet submarines increase the chance of nuclear war?
  • April 8, 2008
What is critical oral history?
  • April 8, 2008
What is the value of bringing former adversaries together?
  • April 8, 2008
What lessons have you learned from critical oral history?
  • April 8, 2008
What advice did General Curtis LeMay give Kennedy?
  • April 8, 2008
What is the difference between a hot war and a cold war?
  • February 23, 2013
How did the conflict begin in South Vietnam?
  • February 23, 2013
What was President Kennedy’s view of U.S. involvement in Vietnam?
  • February 23, 2013
What was the significance of the 1963 coup that overthrew Ngo Dinh Diem?
  • February 23, 2013
What was the Tonkin Gulf Incident?
  • February 23, 2013
How did North Vietnamese perceptions of U.S. intentions affect the war?
  • February 23, 2013
How did the U.S. approach to Vietnam change when Lyndon Baines Johnson became president?
  • February 23, 2013
What were the Geneva Accords of 1954?
  • February 23, 2013
What were U.S.-Cuban relations like leading up to the Cuban Missile Crisis?
  • April 8, 2008
How did many Cubans view U.S. influence in Cuba in the 1950s?
  • April 8, 2008
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