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Why is it important for NGOs to remain objective?
Sarah Leah Whitson
Date Filmed
April 13, 2010
Videos from Sarah Leah Whitson
How does U.S. policy influence human rights around the world?
Sarah Leah Whitson
April 13, 2010
What are the most pressing human rights issues facing the Middle East and North Africa?
Sarah Leah Whitson
April 13, 2010
Why is it important for NGOs to remain objective?
Sarah Leah Whitson
April 13, 2010
Do different cultures have different understandings of human rights?
Sarah Leah Whitson
April 13, 2010
Who are you and what do you do?
Sarah Leah Whitson
April 13, 2010
Why should high school students learn about human rights?
Sarah Leah Whitson
April 13, 2010
Can you describe one example in which Human Rights Watch has successfully advanced human rights?
Sarah Leah Whitson
April 13, 2010
How does Human Rights Watch influence U.S. human rights policy?
Sarah Leah Whitson
April 13, 2010
What types for rights does Human Rights Watch focus on?
Sarah Leah Whitson
April 13, 2010
How does Human Rights Watch promote human rights?
Sarah Leah Whitson
April 13, 2010
What challenges do human rights activists face?
Sarah Leah Whitson
April 13, 2010
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