As the teacher in Digital Editions, you have full control of what you will assign to your students. You choose.
Step 1: Bookmark so you can easily return there to access the curriculum.
Getting Started
When you login, you will see all of the titles available to you. Using the expandable menu below each title, you will see the following options:
- Create new class
- Add to existing class
- Preview unit
This provides only student view. - Favorite
This enables you to put any units you are using at the top of your list.
[Note that you can also click the white star in the upper right corner of a title and it will turn red and move to your Favorites.]
On your first visit you will want to create a new class. You will be asked to provide a name for the class. You can also add a description if you wish. When you create a class, you will generate a unique URL that you will provide to your students. You will also see the unit you selected listed. You can add another curriculum unit to this class using the expandable menu below each title.
When you click on the title of a unit, the unit will open.
Tailoring the content to your classroom
The content is organized in “Parts” with subsections for readings, study guides & graphic organizers, and lessons. Your menu bar opens and closes by “Part” so that not all of the materials need to appear at once. To see the content, click on the item in the menu bar. Your content will appear in the larger panel to the right.
The small blue box beside each item on the menu bar can be checked or unchecked to indicate what you are assigning to your students. The first time you open a unit all resources are checked. To customize the unit for your class, check and uncheck components as appropriate. You can also check or uncheck by Part.
All study guides, graphic organizers, and other handouts are available in three formats — as “read-only” from the student unique URL, as Google Docs, and as Word documents. Readings can be read online with embedded videos or generated as pdfs.
Seeing what you’ve assigned
Click “Student Preview” in the upper right corner of the page to see what your students will see. It will open in a new window. Your students will only see what you have checked. As you make changes in what you are assigning to your students, you will need to refresh the screen in the Student Preview to see the results.
Caution – Do not grab the URL from your preview; your students will not have access. Use the unique URL provided when you created the class.
Using the “Note Editor” at the top of each section of reading
As a teacher, you have a tool at the top of each section of the reading where you can “Open Note Editor” and leave a note for your students. There is a “submit” button at the bottom of the open form field. Your note will appear at the top of the section in their reading.
Exploring “Resources for Teachers”
Resources for Teachers includes things that you may find helpful including introductory materials, an Issues Toolbox describing key concepts addressed in the unit, and an Assessment Guide for Oral Presentations.