Why was there opposition to Brazil’s HIV-AIDS policies?

Videos from Amy Nunn 

How did the international community respond to Brazil’s HIV-AIDS policies?
  • June 3, 2010
How did the United States respond to Brazil’s HIV-AIDS policies?
  • June 3, 2010
Why was there opposition to Brazil’s HIV-AIDS policies?
  • June 3, 2010
How did Brazilian activists promote their agenda?
  • June 3, 2010
What role did public action play in the Brazilian health movement?
  • June 3, 2010
Who are you and what do you do?
  • June 3, 2010
How do people in the United States understand the right to health?
  • June 3, 2010
How do Brazilians understand the right to health?
  • June 3, 2010
Why should high school students learn about Brazil and the right to health?
  • June 3, 2010
What challenges does Brazil face in providing the right to health for its citizens?
  • June 3, 2010
What can other countries learn from Brazil’s experience with the rights to health?
  • June 3, 2010
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