Why is climate change more than an environmental issue?

Videos from Amanda Lynch

Why is climate change more than an environmental issue?
  • December 12, 2014
Why is there an increasing emphasis on adaptation to climate change?
  • December 12, 2014
Who are you and what do you do?
  • December 12, 2014
How can studying ice cores and glaciers help us better understand climate change?
  • December 12, 2014
What is the greenhouse effect?
  • December 12, 2014
What do climate scientists do and how do they make predictions about future climate change?
  • August 26, 2014
How do we know the climate is changing?
  • August 26, 2014
Why is local context important in dealing with the effects of climate change?
  • December 12, 2014
What can young people do to take action on climate change?
  • August 26, 2014
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