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Videos from Meltem Toksöz
Who are you and what do you do?
Why is it important for high school students to learn about Syria?
What are the most common misunderstandings about Syria?
What was the mandate system?
How did the French use a “divide and rule” policy in their mandate of Syria?
How did the Great Syrian Revolt challenge French colonial rule?
What are the legacies of French colonialism in Syria?
What is sectarianism and what role has sectarianism played in Syrian history?
Why should high school students learn about the Ottoman Empire and Turkey?
Who are you and what do you do?
How was the Ottoman Empire connected to the world?
How did nationalist movements challenge the Ottoman Empire?
Why was the Tanzimat an important period in Ottoman history?
Who were the Young Ottomans?
Who were the Young Turks?
What was the Young Turk Revolution?
What was the relationship between the Ottoman Empire and Europe?
What legacies of the Ottoman Empire continue to influence Turkey today?
What are the most common misunderstandings about Turkey?
Empire, Republic, Democracy: Turkey’s Past and Future
How did the Ottomans manage diverse groups within the empire?
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