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What changes do some Cuban Americans hope to see in Cuba?
Michael Bustamante
Date Filmed
May 16, 2008
Videos from Michael Bustamante
History, Revolution, and Reform: New Directions for Cuba
Jennifer Lambe
Michael Bustamante
Adrián López Denis
Philip Brenner
Esther Whitfield
Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo
Why is it more difficult to lift the embargo than to change other U.S. policies toward Cuba?
Michael Bustamante
May 16, 2008
How successful has the U.S. embargo against Cuba been?
Michael Bustamante
May 16, 2008
What did Cuban Americans think about the change in leadership in Cuba from Fidel to Raúl Castro?
Michael Bustamante
May 16, 2008
What changes do some Cuban Americans hope to see in Cuba?
Michael Bustamante
May 16, 2008
What economic changes did Raúl Castro make when he became president of Cuba in 2008?
Michael Bustamante
May 16, 2008
What do Cubans on the island think about the Cuban government?
Michael Bustamante
May 16, 2008
Why are there two different currencies in Cuba?
Michael Bustamante
May 16, 2008
Why is José Martí such a contested figure among Cubans?
Michael Bustamante
May 16, 2008
What is life like in Cuba today?
Michael Bustamante
May 16, 2008
Why have many Cuban professionals left their jobs to work in the tourist industry?
Michael Bustamante
May 16, 2008
What was your family’s experience emigrating from Cuba?
Michael Bustamante
May 16, 2008
Why should high school students learn about Cuba?
Michael Bustamante
May 16, 2008
What should the United States hope for in a post-Castro Cuba?
Michael Bustamante
May 16, 2008
What is the rationale for the U.S. embargo against Cuba?
Michael Bustamante
May 16, 2008
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